
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Barthold Ahlf * 1840 Bruch, Oederquart, Hannover + Ahlf - Von Ahn
Catherina HENNINGS * 1849 Illegitimate Daughter of Elsabe,,,,, HENNINGS - KURDTS
Johann JAKOB * 1849 Illegitimate Son of Elsabe,,,,, JAKOB - KURDTS
Theodore Hermann Frederich Klensky * 1865 illegitimate - twin born 3p,/Hermelsdorf, Kreis Naugard ,Pommern Prussia + 1865 Hermelsdorf, Kreis Naugard ,Pommern Prussia Sachert - Klensky
Hans Hinrich TWISSELMANN * 1849 Illegitimate Son of Anna,,,,, TWISSELMANN - KURDTS
John I King Von Portugal * 1357 illegitimate son,,, + 1453 -