Julius "Georg" Heinrich Hermann PAVENSTEDT


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Julius "Georg" Heinrich Hermann PAVENSTEDT
occupation Gutsbesitzer in Weitzdorf


Type Date Place Sources
death 2. October 1900
Weitzdorf,,Rastenburg,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
Bremen,,Bremen,Bremen,, Find persons in this place
burial 6. October 1900
Rastenburg,,Rastenburg,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
birth 3. July 1813
Bremen,,Bremen,Bremen,, Find persons in this place
Studium der Ökonomie 22. October 1831
Göttingen,,Göttingen,Niedersachsen,, Find persons in this place
Besuch der Landwirtschaftsfachschule 1833
Relliehausen,,Northeim,Niedersachsen,, Find persons in this place
Ökonomiestudium 1834
Berlin,,Berlin,Brandenburg,, Find persons in this place
Gutsverwalter 1838
Mechelsdorf,,Bad Doberan,Mecklenburg,, Find persons in this place
Gutsbesitzer 1844
Neuhof,,Ostholstein,Schleswig-Holstein,, Find persons in this place
Gutsbesitzer 1852
Weitzdorf,,Rastenburg,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
Besuch der Thaer'schen Landwirtschaftsschule
Möglin,,Barnim,Brandenburg,, Find persons in this place
marriage 20. April 1838
Gehlsdorf / Rostock,,Rostock,Mecklenburg,, Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
20. April 1838
Gehlsdorf / Rostock,,Rostock,Mecklenburg,,
Ulrica Juliane "Mathilde" PAULY

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Id 30646
Upload date 2009-10-04 19:57:47.0
Submitter user's avatar Jürgen Eichler visit the user's profile page
email ahnen@onlinehome.de


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