
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Frank Ambrose Worzalla * 1927 Marathon, Marathon County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1980 Worzella - Wroblewski
Frank Ambrose Worzalla * 1927 Marathon, Marathon County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1980 Worzella - Wroblewski
Huldena Zechinato * 1885 Wisconsin + 1934 -
Christine M Zimmer * 1833 Germany + 1904 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Christine M Zimmer * 1833 Germany + 1904 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Adolph J. Zimmermann * 1875 Wisconsin + 1958 -
Robert Adolph Zimmermann * 1917 Wisconsin + 1995 San Diego Zimmermann - Zechinato
Friedrich Zube * 1824 Germany + 1904 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Heinrich Wilhelm Zube * 1867 + 1904 Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of America Zube - Paazke
Emil Carl Heinrich Zuehlke * 1862 Pomerania, Prussia + 1924 Zuhlke or Zuehlke - Fischer