
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Percy Allyne Arnold * 1883 Oglethorpe County, Georgia + 1962 Clarke County, Georgia, USA Arnold - Escoe
Minnie Grace Boggs * 1889 Georgia, usa + 1956 Clarke, Georgia, USA Boggs - Peterman
Lillian Merrill "Bobbe" Cook * 1919 Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, USA + 2011 Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, United States of America Cook - Perry
Theodotia Escoe * 1879 + 1959 Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, United States of America -
Caroline Elizabeth Nisbet * 1828 Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, United States of America + 1915 Alameda, California, USA -
Mamie Lou Saye * 1894 Oglethorpe County, Georgia, United States of America + 1952 Clarke County, Georgia, United States of America Arnold - Arnold