
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Anthony Francis Charnon * 1911 + 1999 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America Charnon -
John Dixon Daskam * 1896 Woodville, Calumet, Wisconsin, United States + 1973 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America Daskam -
Francis Leroy Gaffey * 1924 + 1985 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America Gaffey - Austin
Loyola Therese "Liola" Gremminger * 1895 Auburn, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, United States + 1987 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America Gremminger - Haessly
Mary Elizabeth Haas * 1913 + 1998 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America Haas - Noe
Doris A. Larson * 1930 + 2002 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Henry Francis Newell * 1892 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1976 Janesville, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Agnes Swick * 1897 USA + 1975 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, United States of America -