
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Lydia Jennie Haglund * 1892 Boone, Boone, Iowa, United States + 1964 Boone, Boone, Iowa, United States Hagelund - Abrahamsson
Cathrin Elsbe Lintz * 1811 Brunsbüttel, Dithmarschen + 1892 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America Lintz - Holler
Wiebke Margaretha Lipp * 1841 Brunsbüttel, Dithmarschen + 1930 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America Lipp \ Lübbe - Witt
Charles John Otto * 1865 Iowa + 1942 Otto - Voge
Henrietta Otto * 1875 England + 1940 -
Emma Roushey * 1855 Pennsylvania, USA + 1932 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America - Roushey
Mary Roushey * 1825 Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States of America + 1920 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America -
Adolph Schröder * 1840 Belmermoor, Brunsbüttel, Dithmarschen + 1882 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America Schröder - Lintz
Hinrich Schröder * 1813 Westerbüttel, Eddelak, Dithmarschen + 1885 Boone, Boone County, Iowa, United States of America Schröder - Schaar