
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Alfred James Hartshorne * 1875 Litchfield, County of Staffordshire, England + 1891 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England Hartshorne - Inscoe
Edith E. Hartshorne * 1883 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England + 1891 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England Hartshorne - Inscoe
Ernest Hartshorne * 1877 Litchfield, County of Staffordshire, England + 1891 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England Hartshorne - Inscoe
Florance M. Hartshorne * 1873 Litchfield, County of Staffordshire, England + 1881 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England Hartshorne - Inscoe
Samuel Hartshorne * 1880 Hednesford, County of Staffordshire, England + 1891 Cannock, County of Staffordshire, England Hartshorne - Inscoe