
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Crescenzia BINDEL * 1849 Grainet, Bayern, Germany + 1926 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA -
George Henry Schmidt * 1900 Keuterville, Idaho, USA + 1983 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA SCHMIDT - Wassmuth
George Henry Schmidt * 1900 Keuterville, Idaho, USA + 1983 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA SCHMIDT - Wassmuth
George Henry Schmidt * 1900 Keuterville, Idaho, USA + 1983 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA SCHMIDT - Wassmuth
George Henry Schmidt * 1900 Keuterville, Idaho, USA + 1983 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA SCHMIDT - Wassmuth
George Henry Schmidt * 1900 Keuterville, Idaho, USA + 1983 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA SCHMIDT - Wassmuth
Lawrence Gerhard Uhlenkott * 1922 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA + 2002 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, United States of America Uhlenkott - Hoene
Lawrence Gerhard Uhlenkott * 1922 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA + 2002 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, United States of America Uhlenkott - Hoene
Rose Mary Uhlenkott * 1921 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA + 2011 California Uhlenkott - Hoene
Rose Mary Uhlenkott * 1921 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA + 2011 California Uhlenkott - Hoene
Johan Hermann Wessels + 1932 Cottonwood, Idaho, USA Wessels - Brockmann gnt. Hillebrandt