
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Catharine Wilhelmine Elisa BULL * 1855 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1915 Doberan near Rostock, Mecklenburg BULL - BADE
Margaret(h)a Elisabeth CLÄRI(E)S * 1801 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Mecklenburg + 1876 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire CLÄRI(E)S - BA(A)DE
Anna Margaretha Sophia KREMPI(E)N * 1838 Sievershagen near Rostock, Mecklenburg + 1887 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire KREMPIEN - HAGEMEISTER
Anna Margaretha Maria SUSEMIHL * 1835 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire + 1886 Sievershagen near Lambrechtshagen near Rostock, Mecklenburg SUSEMIHL - CLÄRI(E)S
Catharina Sophia Dorothea SUSEMIHL * 1829 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire + 1924 Elmenhorst b.Lichtenhagen b.Rostock, Mecklenburg SUSEMIHL - CLÄRI(E)S
Jo(a)chim H(e)inrich SUSEMIHL * 1797 Groß Klein near Rostock-Warnemünde (today Groß Klein is a part of Rostock), Duchy =Herzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Holy Roman Empire of German Nation =Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation + 1891 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire SUSEMIHL - LANG(E),'80 PLESSENTIN,'96 SUSEMIHL
Jochim Steffen SUSEMIHL * 1826 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Confederation + 1889 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire SUSEMIHL - CLÄRI(E)S
Peter Jacob Carl SUSEMIHL * 1838 Diedrichshagen near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire + probably Doberan near Rostock, Mecklenburg SUSEMIHL - CLÄRI(E)S