
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Montgomery Joney Craven * 1880 Dodge County, Georgia, United States of America + 1920 Alford, Jackson, Florida, United States of America Craven - Johnson
Noel Erastus Gainey * 1888 Decatur County, Georgia, United States of America + 1962 Dodge County, Georgia, United States of America -
William Issac (Bill) Harrell * 1884 + 1949 Dodge County, Georgia Harrell - Bowen
Elizabeth Jefferies Hicks * 1799 Dodge County, Georgia, USA + 1852 Marion County, Alabama, USA Hicks - Jeffries
Columbia Louisiana (Lum) Annie Carline Law * 1878 + 1965 Dodge County, Georgia Law - Simmons