
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Helen (Nellie) of Skirling Carmichael * 1714 Edinburgh + 1787 Durie/Fife Carmichael of Skirling - Craig
John 6thBartSkirling Gibson Carmichael * 1773 Durie/Fife + 1805 Gibson of Durie - Dundas
Thomas 7thBartSkirling Gibson Carmichael * 1774 Durie/Fife + 1847 Neapel Gibson of Durie - Dundas
Alexander 2ndBartDurie 2ndLordDurie Gibson of Durie * 1596 Durie/Fife + 1656 Durie/Fife Gibsone of Durie - Craig
Alexander 8thBartDurie Gibson of Durie * 1725 + 1785 Durie/Fife Gibsone of Durie - Carmichael
John 3rdBartDurie Gibson of Durie * 1628 + 1698 Durie/Fife Gibson of Durie - Fotheringham
Archibald Baron von Gibsone * 1700 Durie/Fife + 1790 Danzig/WPr Gibsone of Durie - Foulis
Alexander 1stBartDurie 1stLordDurie Gibsone of Durie * 1571 + 1644 Durie/Fife Gibsone of Goldingston - Bruce
Alexander 3rdBartPentland 1stAdistn Gibsone of Pentland * 1635 Durie/Fife + 1693 Gibsone of Pentland - Hay
Johnne 2ndBartPentland Gibsone of Pentland * 1601 Durie/Fife + 1694 Adiston Gibsone of Durie - Craig