
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Alpin II of Kintyre (King) of Dalriada * 778 Scotland + 834 Galloway, Scotland (Killed In Battle With Picts) -
Alpin of Dalriada + 837 Galloway, Scotland Dalriada - ?
Fergus of Galloway * 1080 Galloway, Scotland + 1161 Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh -
Fergus of Galloway * 1078 Galloway, Scotland + 1161 -
Helen of Galloway * 1192 Galloway, Scotland + 1264 Northamptonshire, England of Galloway - de L'Isle
Helen of Galloway * 1192 Galloway, Scotland + 1264 Northamptonshire, England FitzRoland of Galloway - de L'Isle
Donald I Reignaldson Lord the Isles * 1179 Galloway, Scotland + 1247 Iona, Gloucester Somarledasson - deMoray
Donald I Reignaldson Lord the Isles * 1179 Galloway, Scotland + 1247 Iona, Gloucester Somarledasson - deMoray
Donald I Reignaldson Lord the Isles * 1179 Galloway, Scotland + 1247 Iona, Gloucester Somarledasson - deMoray
Donald I Reignaldson Lord the Isles * 1179 Galloway, Scotland + 1247 Iona, Gloucester Somarledasson - deMoray
Donald I Reignaldson Lord the Isles * 1179 Galloway, Scotland + 1247 Iona, Gloucester Somarledasson - deMoray