
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Fred Steinhorst * 1904 + 1981 Butternut, Ashland County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Fred Steinhorst * 1904 + 1981 Butternut, Ashland County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Frank David Volkey * 1890 Wisconsin + 1969 Wisconsin Dells, Columbia, Wisconsin, United States de Valke - Pijfferoen
Frank David Volkey * 1890 Wisconsin + 1969 Wisconsin Dells, Columbia, Wisconsin, United States de Valke - Pijfferoen
Rosella B Volkey * 1911 Illinois + 1964 Volkey - Kingsley
Rosella B Volkey * 1911 Illinois + 1964 Volkey - Kingsley