
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Hersent (Duchess of Lorraine) Caroling * Orléans, Loiret, France + Lorraine, Moselle, France Caroling Emperor of the Holy Empire - of Orlean
Hersent Carolingian * 865 Lorraine, France + 877 Lorraine, Moselle, France -
Hersent Carolingian * 865 Lorraine, France + 877 Lorraine, Moselle, France -
Hersent Carolingian * 865 Lorraine, France + 877 Lorraine, Moselle, France -
Hersent Carolingian * 865 Lorraine, France + 877 Lorraine, Moselle, France -
Hersent Carolingian * 865 Lorraine, France + 877 Lorraine, Moselle, France -
Ludolph De Lorraine * 1001 Lorraine, Moselle, France + 1031 France VON LOTHRINGEN - VON SACHSEN