
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Percy Mark Escoe * 1882 Oglethorpe County, Georgia, United States of America + 1939 Madison County, Georgia, United States of America Escoe - Escoe
Elias Hendricks * 1750 Va or NC + 1842 Madison County, Georgia, USA -
Elizabeth Moore * 1898 Madison County, Georgia, United States of America + 1970 Greenville County, South Carolina, United States of America Escoe - Escoe
John VanAllen Morgan * 1846 Madison County, Georgia + 1922 Lindsay, Garvin, Oklahoma -
Minnie Lee Nix * 1894 Georgia, United States of America + 1947 Oglethorpe County, Georgia, United States of America Arnold - Arnold
Margarethe SVEA Hedwig Jutta Hanna Benedicta Maria Gräfin von Oeynhausen * 1925 Driburg, Westfalen + 2004 Madison County, Georgia Oeynhausen-Sierstorpff - Zitzewitz
John Robert Patterson * 1830 Banks County, Georgia, United States of America + 1910 Madison County, Georgia, United States of America -
Mary Frances Patterson * 1837 Oglethorpe County, Georgia, United States of America + 1926 Madison County, Georgia, United States of America -
Edward Hamilton Satterfield * 1861 Madison County, Georgia + 1951 Green Forest, Carroll County, Arkansas -
Rose Sellers * 1895 Madison County, Georgia, United States of America + 1980 Pickens County, South Carolina, United States of America Escoe - Escoe
Molly Whitehead Hendrick * 1757 Isle of Wight County, Virginia, USA + Madison County, Georgia, USA -