
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Anne Castleton * 1599 + 1647 Manton, Lincolnshire, UK -
Robert (Bob) William Giddins * 1903 Manton + 1989 Babinda -
Thomas Hunt * 1660 Manton, Lincolnshire -
John Q Roode * 1867 + 1948 -
John Q Roode * 1867 + 1948 -
Annie Eliza Sands * 1857 Kirton, Lindsey, Lincolnshire -
Clara Billie Smith * 1879 Michigan + 1934 Smith - Smith
Clara Billie Smith * 1879 Michigan + 1934 Smith - Smith
Nancy Jane Smith * 1850 St. Joseph County, Indiana, United States of America + 1933 Manton, Wexford County, Michigan, United States of America Dahuff - Dayhuff
Nancy Jane Smith * 1850 St. Joseph County, Indiana, United States of America + 1933 Manton, Wexford County, Michigan, United States of America Dahuff - Dayhuff
William Edward Timmons * 1841 Manton, Wasington, Kentucky + 1889 Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas -