
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Dorothee Wilhelmine Freiberg * 1822 Gramenz, Neustettin, Pommern, Preussen + 1889 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Freiberg - Balfanz
Minna Auguste Fressenke * 1884 Arlington, Sibley County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1955 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Fressenke -
Ludwig Ernest Jenneke * 1877 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1961 Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Jenneke - Schmidt
Henry Butler Lord * 1822 Champlain, Clinton County, New York, United States of America + 1904 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Carl Friedrich Ortloff * 1881 Sibley County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1954 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Julius Richard Pollette * 1865 Germany + 1945 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Gustav R. Radtke * 1872 Germany + 1937 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Mildred Hulda Radtke * 1903 Minnesota, United States of America + 1970 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Radtke - Brummond
George Herman Rannow * 1910 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1982 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Gustav Johann Schwarz * 1855 Neu Paleschkin, Westpreußen + 1921 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Schwarz - Drews
Alfred Stenzel * 1919 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America + 2009 United States of America Stenzel - Fressenke
Herman John Zellmann * 1907 Minnesota, United States of America + 1973 McLeod County, Minnesota, United States of America Zellmann - Lehrke