
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Matthias Wiest * 1843 Molsburg, (Province of Nassau) Germany + 1924 Aurora, IL (burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary) -
Matthias Wiest * 1843 Molsburg, (Province of Nassau) Germany + 1924 Aurora, IL (burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary) -
Matthias Wiest * 1843 Molsburg, (Province of Nassau) Germany + 1924 Aurora, IL (burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary) -
Matthias Wiest * 1843 Molsburg, (Province of Nassau) Germany + 1924 Aurora, IL (burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary) -
Matthias Wiest * 1843 Molsburg, (Province of Nassau) Germany + 1924 Aurora, IL (burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary) -