
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Juanita Dawn Smith * 1922 Mount Sterling, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1994 Lynxville, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America SMITH - Heisz
Juanita Dawn Smith * 1922 Mount Sterling, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1994 Lynxville, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America SMITH - Heisz
Odene Marie Smith * 1924 Mount Sterling, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 2012 Eastman, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America SMITH - Heisz
Odene Marie Smith * 1924 Mount Sterling, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 2012 Eastman, Crawford County, Wisconsin, United States of America SMITH - Heisz