
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Delia A Alger * 1895 Connecticut + 1992 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America Alger - Flanagan
Martha Haven Beckwith * 1890 Mystic, New London, Connecticut, United States + 1976 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America Beckwith - Johnson
Thelma Viola Daniels * 1916 New York + 2003 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America Daniels - Church Kellogg
Napoleon Blake King * 1908 St. George, GA + 1987 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America King - Blake
Wilhelmine Hattie Menge * 1885 Mylau, Vogtlandkreis, Sachsen, Germany + 1981 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America Menge - Loeffer
Salvatore Mugovero * 1895 Italy + 1977 New London, New London, Connecticut, United States of America -