
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Maria Cox * 1806 + 1844 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India -
Rosa Keer * 1831 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India -
Sophia Matilda Kelby * 1820 India + 1852 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India -
Sophia Isabella McIntyre * 1800 + 1825 Penang, Malaysia -
Ann Henrietta Rodyk * 1831 Boum, Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India + 1907 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Rodyk - ?
Charles Rodyk * 1817 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India + 1846 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India Rodyk (Rodijk) - Wentholt
Eveline Rodyk * 1865 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India Rodyk - Triggs
Isabella Rodyk * 1822 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India + 1906 London, England Rodyk - McIntyre
Louise Rodyk * 1867 Bengal, India Rodyk - Triggs
Petronella Rodyk * 1854 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India Rodyk - Keer
Rose Rodyk * 1852 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India Rodyk - Keer
Jan (John) Rodyk (Rodijk) * 1770 Amsterdam + 1845 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India Rodijk - Stouthand
Gerhardina Catharine Wentholt * 1779 Niederlande + 1843 Prince of Wales Island, Bengal, India -