
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Joannes Baeten * 1715 Province of Limburg, The Netherlands + 1749 Sevenum, The Netherlands Baetens - Vervoort
Joannes Baeten * 1715 Province of Limburg, The Netherlands + 1749 Sevenum, The Netherlands Baetens - Vervoort
Joannes Baeten * 1715 Province of Limburg, The Netherlands + 1749 Sevenum, The Netherlands Baetens - Vervoort
Joannes Baeten * 1715 Province of Limburg, The Netherlands + 1749 Sevenum, The Netherlands Baetens - Vervoort
Joannes Baeten * 1715 Province of Limburg, The Netherlands + 1749 Sevenum, The Netherlands Baetens - Vervoort