
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Agnes Leslie * 1525 Rothes/Morayshire + 1606 Leslie of Rothes - Crichton
Helen Leslie * 1520 Rothes/Morayshire + 1594 Leslie of Rothes - Crichton
Janet Leslie * 1526 Rothes/Morayshire + 1591 Leslie of Rothes - Gray
Norman MasterRothes Leslie * 1517 Rothes/Morayshire + 1554 Leslie of Rothes - Crichton
George 4thEarlRothes Leslie of Rothes * 1500 Rothes/Morayshire + 1558 Dieppe/Normandie Leslie of Rothes - Balfour
James Leslie of Rothes * 1535 Rothes/Morayshire Leslie of Rothes - Somerville
William 3rdEarlRothes Leslie of Rothes * 1455 Rothes/Morayshire + 1513 FloddenBattle Leslie of Rothes - Sinclair