
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Emma Christine Behm * 1890 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA + 1896 Wyandotte, Wayne County, State of Michigan/USA Behm - Lobes
Henrietta Elizabeth Behm * 1888 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA + 1951 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA Behm - Lobes
Walter August Behm * 1900 Glenwood, Wayne County, State of Michigan/USA ~ 1902 Wyandotte, Wayne County, State of Michigan/USA + 1974 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA Behm - Lobes
Minnie Florence Lewis * 1888 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA + 1965 Okalona, Chickasaw County, State of Mississippi/USA Luiz (Lewis) - Rose
Elisabeth "Lizzy" Margaret Lobes * 1870 Brooklyn, Kings County, State of New York/USA + 1940 Sacramento, Sacramento County, State of California/USA -