
Keine Person mit der Nummer 1430657728 gefunden.
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Alice Barker of Covehall * 1525 Wolverton, County of Shropshire, England + 1600 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England Covehall - Hill
Roger Leigh * 1483 Wellington, County of Salopshire, England + 1522 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England -
Sir. Thomas Leigh * 1509 Stonesleigh, County of Warwiuckshire, England + 1572 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England Leigh - Stafford
Thomas Leigh * 1545 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England Leigh - Covehall
Katherine Spencer * 1555 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England -
Ann Stafford * 1487 Wellington, County of Salopshire, England + 1509 Stonesleigh, County of Warwickshire, England -