
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Levingus * 1040 Ungarn + 1068 West Lothian, Schottland -
Elizabeth Hegait * 1565 Stirling, Stirlingshire, Schottland + 1603 West Lothian, Schottland -
Alexander Livingston * 1150 West Lothian, Schottland + 1214 West Lothian, Schottland Livingston -
Levingus Livingston * 1100 West Lothian, Schottland + 1150 West Lothian, Schottland de Leving -
Thurston Livingston * 1120 West Lothian, Schottland + 1153 West Lothian, Schottland Livingston -
Janet Stewart * 1140 Schottland + West Lothian, Schottland -
John Stewart 3rd Earl of Lennox * 1490 + 1526 West Lothian Stewart 2nd Earl of Lennox - Hamilton
William II. von Vipont * 1140 West Lothian, Schottland + 1202 Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England von Vipont - St. Andrew