
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Lorayne Elizabeth Esser * 1914 Nashua, Iowa + 2003 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, United States of America Esser - Demo
Lorayne Elizabeth Esser * 1914 Nashua, Iowa + 2003 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, United States of America Esser - Demo
Leonard John Heutinck * 1939 Jackson, Minnesota, USA + 2013 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, United States Heutinck - Siebke
Rudolph Herman Wolf * 1878 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, USA + 1956 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, United States Wolff - Hohenstein
Wilhelm Wolff * 1844 Eckersdorf, Mohrungen, East Prussia, Prussia, Germany + 1912 Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota, United States -