
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Hermann (Day laborer in Molstow from Wisbu-married in Behlkow 1865) Froehlich * 1838 Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -
Hermann (Day laborer in Molstow from Wisbu-married in Behlkow 1865) Froehlich * 1838 Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -
Wilhelmina (Wife of Carl Dreyer in Wisbu) Gruenberg + Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -
Wilhelmina (Wife of Carl Dreyer in Wisbu) Gruenberg + Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -
Emilie (Wife of August Koeller in Wisbu) Schley + 1882 Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -
Emilie (Wife of August Koeller in Wisbu) Schley + 1882 Wisbu? (Wyszobor), Kreis Regenwalde, Pomerania, Germany -