
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Agnes Maria Ida GARTHE * 1842 Parchim near Schwerin, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Confederation =Deutscher Bund + 1929 Wismar on the Baltic Sea =Ostsee, Mecklenburg GARTHE -
Jürgen Heinrich Ulrich SIMONIS * 1933 Wismar on the Baltic Sea =Ostsee, Mecklenburg/ Third Empire =Drittes Reich + 2020 Salzgitter SIMONIS - SCHNAPAUFF
Martin Adolph Ludwig Christian SUSEMIHL * 1841 Badendiek near Güstrow, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Confederation =Deutscher Bund + 1883 Wismar on the Baltic Sea =Ostsee, Mecklenburg SUSEMIHL - ZUR NEDDEN