
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
* 1070 of,,Normandy, France -
Briwere * 1060 of,,Normandy, France Briwere -
Radulph Briwere * 1026 of,,Normandy, France -
William Briwere * 1086 of,,Normandy, France Briwere -
Judith de Bretagne * 982 of,,Bretagne, France + 1017 of,,Normandy, France de Bretagne - d'Anjou
Gilbert de Brionne * 1000 of,,Normandy, France + 1040 -
Osbern de Crepon * 990 of,,Normandy, France + 1035 ,,France -
Walkelin de Ferrieres * 1140 of, Oakham, Rutlandshire,England + 1189 of,,Normandy, France -
Guillaume de Garlende * 1043 of,,Normandy, France -
Tancred de Hauteville * 980 of,,Normandy, France + 1041 de Hauteville -
Ranulf de Meschines * 1050 of,,Normandy, France + 1129 de Bayeux - de Normandie
Hubert de Munchensy * 1065 of,,Normandy, France + 1139 de Munchensy -
Hubert de Munchensy * 1035 of,,Normandy, France + 1107 -
Guillaume de Normandie * 1025 of,,Normandy, France de Normandie -
Papia de Normandie * 980 of,,Normandy, France de Normandie -
Cecily of Skipton de Rumilly * 1078 of,,Normandy, France + 1154 de Rumilly -
Robert of Skipton-In-Craven de Rumilly * 1056 of,,Normandy, France de Rumilly -
Waldron de Saint Clare * 1015 of,,Normandy, France -
Ansfred II Onfror Goz * 963 of,,Normandy, France + 1035 -
Helena Le Bon * 1130 of,,Normandy, France -
Toustien Le Goz * 989 of,,Normandy, France + 1041 Goz -
Adaele of England * 1062 of,,Normandy, France + 1135 , Marsilly, Aquitaine de Normandie - of England
William (the Elder) Peverel * 1054 of,,Normandy, France + 1113 ,,England Peverell - Ingelrica
Ranulph Peverell * 1030 of,,Normandy, France + 1072 Hatfield, Essex,England de Wrenroc -