
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Daniel CHAUVIE * 1679 of Angrogna + 1727 -
Paolo CHAUVIE * 1582 of Angrogna + 1623 of Torre Pellice CHAUVIE -
Jeanne COSTABEL * 1678 of Angrogna COSTABEL - NN (COSTABEL)
Joseph COSTABEL * 1652 of Angrogna -
Antoine GAYDOU * 1674 of Angrogna -
Thomas MURIS * 1672 of Angrogna MURIS -
Jeanne MUSSET * 1676 of Angrogna MUSSET -
NN NN (COSTABEL) * 1656 of Angrogna -
Madeleine PONS * 1785 of Angrogna -
David SIGNORET * 1662 of Angrogna, Torino, Italia + 1730 -