Show names starting with the letter

First name Family name Details Parents
Ka Irihor -
Albert Kaase * 1844 Stakelitz, Coswig, Dessau, Germany + 1925 Lavaca County, Texas Kaase - Sperfeld
Alfred Paul Kaase * 1906 Texas + 1954 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Hoelter
Carl Friedrich Kaase * 1861 Texas + 1955 Lavaca County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Carl Friedrich Albert Kaase * 1865 Texas + 1918 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Elsie Johanna Henrietta Kaase * 1899 + 1979 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Kiesling
Emilie Elisabeth Bertha Kaase * 1877 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1953 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Emily Christine Kaase * 1896 Texas + 1976 Victoria, Victoria County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Erna H Kaase * 1912 Fayette County, Texas + 1995 Houston, Harris County, Texas Kaase - Sommer
Ernestine Maria Anna Kaase * 1863 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1952 New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Floyd W Kaase * 1938 + 1967 Houston, Harris County, Texas Kaase - Jochen
Friedericke Pauline Kaase * 1871 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1946 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky Kaase - Laas
Friedrich August Adolph Kaase * 1875 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1936 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Friedrich K Kaase * 1831 Stakelitz, Coswig, Dessau, Germany + 1913 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Sperfeld
Gladys Kaase * 1923 + 2010 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Roitsch
Gustav Carl Friedrich Kaase * 1868 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1917 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Heinrich Frederick Karl Kaase * 1892 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas + 1949 Austin, Travis County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Helen Lydia Kaase * 1888 Lavaca County, Texas + 1977 Luling, Caldwell County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Helmuth O Kaase * 1908 + 1982 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Hoelter
Henrietta Louise Kaase * 1880 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1950 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Henrietta Lydia Helen Kaase * 1902 + 1999 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Kiesling
Herbert Kaase * 1902 Fayette County, Texas + 1902 Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Kiesling
Herbert Adolph Kaase * 1912 Houston, Harris County, Texas + 1965 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California Kaase - Hoelter
Hulda Sophie Kaase * 1900 Lavaca County, Texas + 1985 Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Ida Henrietta Kaase * 1903 Moulton, Lavaca County, Texas + 1996 Victoria, Victoria County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Johann Andreas Kaase * 1800 Stakelitz, Coswig, Dessau, Germany + 1890 Moulton, Lavaca County, Texas Kaase - Boerner
Johann Andreas Kaase * 1769 Goseck, Weissenfels, Sachsen + 1826 Goseck, Weissenfels, Sachsen -
Johann Carl Otto Kaase * 1887 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1973 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
John Albert Heinrich Kaase * 1889 + 1949 Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Ritter
Laura Aurelia Kaase * 1931 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas + 2015 Brenham, Washington County, Texas Kaase - Ohnheiser
Laverne Kaase * 1945 + 1946 High Hill, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Ohnheiser
Linda Anna Kaase * 1907 + 1979 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Sommer
Martin Alfred Kaase * 1936 United States of America + 1979 Texas Kaase - Ohnheiser
Meta Johanna Lydia Kaase * 1873 Freyburg, Fayette County, Texas + 1936 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Milton J Kaase * 1916 + 2000 Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Roitsch
Oscar Adolph Kaase * 1909 + 1976 High Hill, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Sommer
Otto Carl Julius Kaase * 1889 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas + 1889 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Paul Gustave August Kaase * 1894 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas + 1968 Des Plaines County, Illinois Kaase - Ritter
Paul Heinrich Georg Kaase * 1914 + 1979 Houston, Harris County, Texas Kaase - Hoelter
Paul Hermann Kaase * 1882 Fayette County, Texas + 1938 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Pearl Renata Franziska Kaase * 1918 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas + 2006 Fort Bend County, Texas Kaase - Roitsch
Selma Helena Kaase * 1884 Black Jack, Fayette County, Texas + 1956 La Grange, Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Sophia Karolina Minna Kaase * 1867 Swiss Alp, Fayette County, Texas + 1940 Giddings, Lee County, Texas Kaase - Laas
Walter F Kaase * 1911 + 1911 Fayette County, Texas Kaase - Hoelter
Wilbert E C Kaase * 1914 + 1998 Texas Kaase - Sommer
Kadawibida * 1710 + 1828 Biauswah -
Theis Kader * 1526 Banfe + 1592 Banfe -
Gritgen op gen Kaet * 1671 Geldern-Pont + Kerken-Baersdonk Kaets - Jansen
Gertrud Kaeten + 1775 Pont -
Pouls Kaeth * 1620 -
Kerst op gen Kaets * 1647 Kerken-Nieukerk Kaeth - ?
David F Kagey * 1835 + 1925 -
Elsie Kahl -
Wilhelmina Kahle * 1887 Mount Olive, Macoupin Conty, Illinois + 1962 Granite City, Madison, Illinois -
Diedrich Heinrich Kähmann * 1834 Asseln Kähmann - Heckmann
Gottfried Caspar Kähmann * 1804 Asseln -
Wilhelmine Maria Kähmann * 1831 + 1836 Asseln Kähmann - Heckmann
Caroline Wilhelmine Kahre * 1803 Volmerdingsen + 1842 -
Jean Henri Kairis * 1783 Clermont-sur-Berwinne + 1844 Dison -
Marie Josephine Adelle Kairis * 1822 Thimister + 1900 Dison Kairis - Claessens
Erna Kaiser -
Frances Kaiser -
Sophia Kallen * 1819 Neuss + 1889 Neuss -
Gloria Marie Kalow * 1922 + 2015 Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota -
Anna Kalthoff * 1872 Wörden + 1939 -
Anna Catharina Kalthoff * 1680 Ravenschlag + 1704 -
Carl Friedrich Kalthoff * 1837 -
Johann Diederich Kalthoff * 1675 Schwelm, Mollenkotten + 1751 Schwelm, Mollenkotten Kalthoff - Haase
Johannes Bernhard Kalthoff * 1651 Möllenkotten, Schwelm + 1694 Möllenkotten, Schwelm -
Lydia Kalthoff * 1875 Wörden + 1918 Kalthoff - Weustermann
Maria Catharina Kalthoff * 1723 Schwelm + 1797 Voerde Kalthoff - Mühlinghausen
Wilhelm Kalthoff -
Margarete Helene Kalweit * 1911 Mainz + 1986 Köln Porz -
Adam Kamm -
Anna Kamm * 1835 Breidenbach + 1915 Ames, Montgomery County, New York Kamm - Schmidt
Catharina Kamm * 1838 Breidenbach + 1896 Akron, Summit County, Ohio Kamm - Schmidt
Christian Kamm * 1844 Breidenbach + 1889 Kamm - Schmidt
Elisabetha Kamm * 1805 Kleingladenbach + 1845 Wallau Kamm - Blöcher
Eva Kamm * 1841 Breidenbach + 1915 Canajoharie, Montgomery County, New York Kamm - Schmidt
Johann Philipp Kamm * 1730 + 1808 Wallau -
Johann Philipp Kamm * 1770 Wallau + 1845 Wallau Kamm - Velte
Philipp Kamm * 1833 + 1876 Kamm - Schmidt
Martha Mathilda Kammann * 1895 Meeme, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin + 1941 Plymouth, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin -
Andreas Adrian Kämmerling * 1782 Thülen + 1865 Kämmerling - Schmidt
Anna Marie Christine Kämmerling * 1836 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Bernhard Kämmerling -
Gertrud Margaretha Theresia Kämmerling * 1838 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Hermann Theodor Kämmerling * 1788 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmidt
Johann Bernhard Aloysius Kämmerling * 1792 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmidt
Johann Franz Kämmerling * 1831 Thülen + 1846 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Johann Franz Kämmerling * 1785 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmidt
Johann Wilhelm Kämmerling * 1795 Thülen + 1866 Kämmerling - Schmidt
Jonas Kämmerling * 1798 Thülen + 1855 Kämmerling - Schmidt
Maria Gertrud Kämmerling * 1790 Thülen + 1858 Kämmerling - Schmidt
Marianne Dina Angela Gertrud Kämmerling * 1843 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Marie Anne Cathrine Kämmerling * 1828 Thülen + 1830 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Marie Berhardine Elisabeth Kämmerling * 1833 Thülen + 1868 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Wilhelmine Kämmerling * 1840 Thülen + 1841 Thülen Kämmerling - Schmuecker
Albert William Kamp * 1884 Cape Girardeau County, Missouri + 1965 Missouri -
Albert William Kamp * 1925 Burfordville, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri + 2013 Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri Kamp - Bodenstein


Id 58503
Upload date 2022-08-17 17:32:41.0
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