Johann Salomon RENNEBAUM


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Johann Salomon RENNEBAUM


Type Date Place Sources
death 24. April 1749
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland Find persons in this place
baptism 3. May 1671
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland Find persons in this place
birth 3. May 1671
marriage 4. September 1695
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland Find persons in this place
marriage 17. September 1709
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland Find persons in this place
marriage 19. October 1735
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
4. September 1695
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland
Helene Margaretha THEG
17. September 1709
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland
Anna Barbara GEBHARDT
19. October 1735
Hof/Saale, Oberfranken, Bayern, Deutschland
Anna Elisabeth SCHILLING

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Title Datenbestand

Näheres siehe -> Genealogische Datenbank

Id 23617
Upload date 2009-03-29 16:22:32.0
Submitter user's avatar Ulrich Kretschmer visit the user's profile page


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