Elizabeth FRANKE


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Elizabeth FRANKE


Type Date Place Sources
death 25. November 1912
birth 4. July 1873
marriage 31. October 1891
Aurora, Kane Co.IL Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
31. October 1891
Aurora, Kane Co.IL
Heinrich,Wilhelm,Th ANGERMEYER

Notes for this person

Heirat am 31.Okt.1891 in Aurora Kane Co. Illinois? USA?

geboren in West Bend Wisconsin - Ihre Eltern stammen aus Wintzingerode nähe Gött


gestorben bei Kindsgeburt, wg. Komplikationen

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Id 28794
Upload date 2009-05-20 00:06:02.0
Submitter user's avatar Peter Angermeyer visit the user's profile page
email peter@webgo24.de


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