"Emma" Mathilde Henriette ERDMANN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name "Emma" Mathilde Henriette ERDMANN


Type Date Place Sources
death 2. April 1939
Allenstein,,Allenstein,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
baptism 4. November 1862
Weitzdorf,,Rastenburg,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
burial 6. April 1939
Rastenburg,,Rastenburg,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place
birth 15. August 1862
Klein Bertung,,Allenstein,Ostpreussen,, Find persons in this place

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Id 30646
Upload date 2009-10-04 19:57:47.0
Submitter user's avatar Jürgen Eichler visit the user's profile page
email ahnen@onlinehome.de


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