Adelheid Katherina REISS
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Adelheid Katherina REISS |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
birth | 9. July 1865 | Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany
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marriage | 26. May 1887 | Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany
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Karl REISS | Appolonia HAYN |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
26. May 1887
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany |
Johann RIPP |
1 | Ripp Family Tree Chart by Alfons Breitenbach, Local Historian in Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bav., Germany |
2 | Reiss Family Tree Chart by Alfons Breitenbach, Local Historian in Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bav., Germany |
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Id | 33559 |
Upload date | 2010-05-15 20:22:14.0 |
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