Franz Stephan HAIN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Franz Stephan HAIN
occupation Mayor (Burgermeister) 1848
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany Find persons in this place


Type Date Place Sources
death 24. November 1869
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany Find persons in this place
burial November 1869
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany Find persons in this place
birth 26. December 1807
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany Find persons in this place
marriage 21. March 1833
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
21. March 1833
Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germany
Theresia WEBER


1 Hayn Family Tree Chart by Alfons Breitenbach, Local Historian of Laudenbach on the Main (near Miltenberg), Bavaria, Germ.

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Id 33559
Upload date 2010-05-15 20:22:14.0
Submitter user's avatar Barbara Bergmüller visit the user's profile page


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