Klement Ludwig WANGELIN,VON


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Klement Ludwig WANGELIN,VON


Type Date Place Sources
death 16. August 1668
birth February 1620
marriage 14. January 1642
marriage February 1661

Notes for this person

Herr auf Alt-Schwerin

" His first wife (January 14, 1642) was Anna, daughter of Friedrich von Kumin of

Stolzenburg and Anna

von der Grosben of the house of Kotzebunde, died 1660. His second wife (February

  1. was Anna

Sophia, daughter of Christof von Linstow of Linstow and Karow and Anna Margaret

von Buelow of the

house Wedendorp. 1671, donated a pulpit to the church of Schwerin, 50 Fl. (Florin),

she had no


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Id 34755
Upload date 2010-10-07 11:42:26.0
Submitter user's avatar Reinald Hoffsten visit the user's profile page
email rhoffsten@t-online.de


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