Gesine Henriette SCHÜTTE


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Gesine Henriette SCHÜTTE
religion evang. luth.


Type Date Place Sources
death 14. March 1881
Huntlosen, Ol, NI, D Find persons in this place
baptism 3. March 1837
Kirchhatten, OL, NI, D Find persons in this place
burial 14. March 1881
Huntlosen, Ol, NI, D Find persons in this place
birth 25. January 1837
Kirchhatten, OL, NI, D Find persons in this place
marriage 9. May 1862
Kirchhatten, OL, NI, D Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
9. May 1862
Kirchhatten, OL, NI, D
Johann Hinrich KÜNNEMANN

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Title 140511 Ahnen Benno Kue
Id 45319
Upload date 2014-05-11 21:11:41.0
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