Johann Carl Friedrich BROCKMANN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Johann Carl Friedrich BROCKMANN
occupation Tageloehner 3. December 1867
Damelow Daemelow, Tempzin Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Find persons in this place
occupation Stallknecht 1. December 1900
Damelow Daemelow, Tempzin Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Find persons in this place


Type Date Place Sources
death 23. December 1905
Damelow Daemelow Kate 16, Tempzin Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Find persons in this place
baptism 20. October 1824
Daemelow, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
burial 28. December 1905
Daemelow, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
birth 18. October 1824
Daemelow, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
census 3. December 1867
Damelow Daemelow Gut, Tempzin Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
census 1. December 1900
Damelow Daemelow Kate 16, Tempzin Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Find persons in this place
confirmation 1839
Klappenkrug, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
marriage 20. July 1855
Damelow , Tempzin Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
20. July 1855
Damelow , Tempzin Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin
Sophie Maria Dorothea TREU

Notes for this person

81 j 2 mon 5 tage


johann joachim brockmann, weber

christine sophei lemcke


johann kähler, arbeitsmann

carl schof b.. aus Daemelow

friedrich Brockmann, Knecht rabow

Name: Johann Brackmann

Gender: männlich (Male)

Marital Status: Verheiratet (Married)

Status or Occupation: Ländl Arbeiter Stallknecht

Birth Date: 18 Okt 1824 (18 Oct 1824)

Birth Town: Daemelow

Birth District: Mecklenburg

Birth State: Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Birth Country: Deutschland (Germany)

Town: Dämelow

District: Ritteramt Mecklenburg

Volume: 1478

Form: B - Zählkarte

Household number: 7

Name: Johann Brockmann

Birth Year: 1824

Gender: männlich (Male)

Status or Occupation: Tagelöhner

Household: View other family members

Relationship: Haushaltsvorstand (Head)

Spouse's name: Sophie

Place: Dämelow

District Office: Ritteramt Mecklenburg

Roll: 15030

Line: 1

Household Members:

Name Age

Johann Brockmann 43

Sophie Brockmann Geb Treu 44

Minna Brockmann 12

Anna Brockmann 8

Wilhelm Brockmann 0

Marie Treu 18


1 Mecklenburg-Schwerin Volkszählung am 3. Dezember 1867
Author: Volkszählungsamt
Publication: 5.12-3/20 Statistisches Landesamt. Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin.

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Name Details files Title ??submitter_en_US?? Upload date
Johann Carl Friedrich BROCKMANN * 1824 Daemelow, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin + 1905 Damelow Daemelow Kate 16, Tempzin Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 67273 Brockmann Ingo 2025-01-23


Title BrockmannFamilien

Unterschiedliche Brockmann Familien

Id 54637
Upload date 2024-12-24 19:22:43.0
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