
Type Value Date Place Sources
name Louis STAHL


Type Date Place Sources
death 16. April 1926
Fredericksburg, Gillespie, Texas, USA Find persons in this place
baptism 28. December 1856
Fredricksburg, Gillespie, Texas Find persons in this place
burial 18. April 1926
North Grape Creek Cem, Gillespie County, Texas Find persons in this place
birth 17. June 1856
Gillespie County, Texas Find persons in this place
census 30. July 1860
Gillespie County, Texas Find persons in this place


1 FamilySearch Stammbaum, https://www.myheritage.de/research/collection-40001/familysearch-stammbaum?s=265380371&itemId=444539090&action=showRecord
Publication: MyHeritage
  Der FamilySearch Stammbaum wird duch MyHeritage unter Lizenz von FamilySearch International, der weltgrössten Genealogie Organisation, veröffentlicht. FamilySearch ist eine nonprofit Organisation gesponsert von der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage (Mormonen Kirche).

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Id 55711
Upload date 2018-10-17 10:06:35.0
Submitter user's avatar Manfred Friedrichs visit the user's profile page
email manfred.friedrichs@ewetel.net


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