Heinrich Wilhelm BORSTELMANN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Heinrich Wilhelm BORSTELMANN
religion ev.-luth.


Type Date Place Sources
death 18. September 1888
Barrien,Grafschaft Hoya,, Find persons in this place
baptism 9. May 1819
Heiligenfelde,Grafschaft Hoya,, Find persons in this place
birth 2. May 1819
Borstel, Wachendorf,Grafschaft Hoya,, Find persons in this place
marriage 20. October 1848
Barrien,Grafschaft Hoya,, Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
20. October 1848
Barrien,Grafschaft Hoya,,
Mette Anne Friederike WISLOH

Notes for this person

Stammbaum der Familie Uhlenwinkel am 19.11.2015 von Frau Marianne Früchtenicht, Zum Busch 51, 28857 Syke-Okel, Tel.: 04242 80865 erhalten.


1 Heirat: KB Heiligenfelde 1848, Nr. 218, Nr. 16 i
2 Tod: StA Barrien Nr. 51/1888
3 Geburt: KB Heiligenfelde 1918, S. 552, Nr. 23


Id 56056
Upload date 2018-12-23 13:10:18.0
Submitter user's avatar Helmut Meyer visit the user's profile page
email helmut.meyer36@gmail.com


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