Ferdinand, Philippe, Joseph D'UDEKEM


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Ferdinand, Philippe, Joseph D'UDEKEM
occupation Bourgmestre
Louvain, Brabant-Flamand, Belgique Find persons in this place
title Seigneur, de Bossut en Faigne, de Sainte Monegonde, de la ville de Couvin en partie


Type Date Place Sources
death 4. June 1770
Louvain, Brabant-Flamand, Belgique Find persons in this place
baptism 5. April 1720
Bossut-Gottechain, Grez-Doiceau, Brabant Wallon, B Find persons in this place
burial 5. June 1770
Bossut-Gottechain, Grez-Doiceau, Brabant Wallon, B Find persons in this place
birth 2. April 1720
Guertechin, Grez-Doiceau, Brabant Wallon, Belgique Find persons in this place
marriage 23. April 1754
Louvain, Brabant-Flamand, Belgique Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
23. April 1754
Louvain, Brabant-Flamand, Belgique
Marie, Barbe, Thérèse DE LA BAWETTE


1 Delbruyère Web Site, Ferdinand, Philippe, Joseph d'UDEKEM
Author: Philippe Delbruyère
  <p>MyHeritage-Stammbaum</p><p>Familienseite: Delbruyère Web Site</p>Stammbaum: 210779721-12

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Title Sachtleben 06 19

Ahnenforschung der Familie Sachtleben, Welter, Knaudt, von Broich

Id 56986
Upload date 2019-06-20 20:14:30.0
Submitter user's avatar Rolf Sachtleben visit the user's profile page
email rolfwerden55@googlemail.com


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