Nikolaus HÜBNER
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Nikolaus HÜBNER |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | 13. October 1891 | Hammelbach,,,HESSE,GERMANY,
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birth | 6. May 1891 | Hammelbach,,,HESSE,GERMANY,
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Title | Helm LDBF / HAMMELBACH |
Description | Main data is about the Helm family, my ancestors and their descendants. Besides the whole family book of Hammelbach, Odenwald, Hesse, Germany has been input based on the family book Hammelbach/Grasellenbach by Gunnar Kohl and Heinrich Wolf. The entries have been updated using the family books of Reichelsheim, Michelstadt, Fürth Odw, Lindenfels, Schlierbach, Winterkasten, Ellenbach, Rüsselsheim, Habitzheim, Wersau, Brensbach and many more of the surrounding villages/parishes Since December 2019 the Hammelbach/Grasellenbach family book by Gunnar Kohl and Heinrich Wolf is online on this site. |
Id | 57112 |
Upload date | 2019-07-29 15:16:27.0 |
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