Karoline KOCH


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Karoline KOCH
[2] [3] [4]
name Caroline KOCH


Type Date Place Sources
baptism 14. November 1840
Civil, Nohfelden, Oldenburg, Germany Find persons in this place
birth 14. November 1840
Hirstein, St Wendel, Saarland, Deutschland Find persons in this place
[3] [4] [5]
marriage 11. October 1873
Nohfelden, Oldenburg, Germany Find persons in this place
[6] [7]


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
11. October 1873
Nohfelden, Oldenburg, Germany
Christian SEIBERT


1 Deutschland, Eheschließungen, 1558-1929, https://www.myheritage.de/research/collection-30038/deutschland-eheschlie%C3%9Fungen-1558-1929?itemId=5177862&action=showRecord
Publication: MyHeritage
2 Saarland, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1933, Landesarchiv des Saarlandes; Saarbrücken-Scheidt, Deutschland; Bestand: Personenstandsregister; Signatur: PSR 10810
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
3 Saarland, Deutschland, Zivilstandsregister, 1798-1875, Landesarchiv des Saarlandes; Saarbrücken-Scheidt, Deutschland; Personenstandsregister; Signatur: ZNR 11422
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
4 Deutschland, Heiraten 1558-1929
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
5 Deutschland, Geburten und Taufen 1558-1898
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
6 Saarland, Deutschland, Zivilstandsregister, 1798-1875, Landesarchiv des Saarlandes; Saarbrücken-Scheidt, Deutschland; Personenstandsregister; Signatur: ZNR 11422
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
7 Deutschland, Heiraten 1558-1929
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.

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Title Ehrenberg-Bender
Id 57761
Upload date 2019-11-29 16:38:28.0
Submitter user's avatar Claudia Bender visit the user's profile page
email claudia-bender@web.de


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