Hans Peter KUNST

Hans Peter KUNST


Art Wert Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Name Hans Peter KUNST
Beruf Landmann, - Grazier,


Art Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Taufe 1853 Esgrus nach diesem Ort suchen [2]
Geburt 21. November 1853 Haveholz nach diesem Ort suchen [3]
Bestattung 1936 Gundiah, Australien nach diesem Ort suchen [4]
Tod 21. Dezember 1936 Synniside, Gundiah, Old. Australien nach diesem Ort suchen [5]
Heirat 23. Oktober 1885 Esgrus nach diesem Ort suchen [6]

Ehepartner und Kinder

Heirat Ehepartner Kinder
23. Oktober 1885
Catharina Marg. KUNST

Notizen zu dieser Person

Legende der Familie Kunst, Haveholz - Aera Australien Es waren die politischen Ereignisse um Preussen dessen Prowinz die Landschaft Angeln zugehörte etwa 1870, die Anlass waren für viele Deutsche Landwirte nach eben Australien auszuwandern. Die australische Regierung in Queensland gab von 1850 bis - 90, freie Überfahrt für 50 000 Deutsche nach Queensland, um Farmer für das Land zu bekommen. So nahm auch Hans Jacob Kunst, geboren 1848 in Haveholz bei Esgrus, die Gelegenheit wahr um auszuwandern. Hiermit umging er auch die Einberufung als Schütze und Kanonenfutter, in den Krieg gegen Frankreich 1870. Start war in Hamburg den 21. Märts 1871, an Bord des Schiffes Shakespeare die am 3. August 1871, in Maryborough Queensland anlegte. Hans Jacob Kunst sicherte sich eine kleine Farm bei Tiaro aushalb der Stadt Maryborough genannt Redbank. 1874 ehelichte Hans Jacob Jane Allen, eine junge Engländerin von Bath Sommerset, England. Das erste Kind, ein Sohn Thomas Cahrles ist in Redbank geboren, aber auch gestorben. Im Jahre 1875 folgten die Brüder Jacobs Hans Peter * 1853, und Claus Heinz, * 1858, beide in Haveholz geboren an Bord der SS. Isle of the South und ließen sich ebenfalls in Tiaro nieder. Sie arbeiteten anfangs an einem Zaun bei Tiaro, Redbank, der noch heute existent sein soll. Anno 1881 bekam Hans Jacob Kunst einen Job als Schlachter und Meiereifachmann im Raum Greenwood, Nähe Mary Fluß ( Munna = kleiner Wasserlauf ) im Mivy Kreis. Hier wuchsen 4 Söhne und 4 Töchter auf. Der Mary Fluß stieg oft über seine Ufer und überschwemmte das Land, wie die große Flut 1898. Die Gebäude konnten der Flut durch aufschwimmen trotzen, aber ein Orkan zerstörte 1986 das Haus welches inzwischen auch in anderem Besitz war. Hans Peter und Heinz Kunst aus Haveholz, waren mitlerweile nach Munna Creek verzogen und hatten hier Land erworben: 1885 besuchte Hans Peter Kunst, * 1853, und Ehefrau Catharina, geb. Kunst, die auch gleichzeitig seine Nichte war ihre Heimat in Haveholz. Hans Peters Eltern waren alt und krank, der Vater starb 1886 ein Jahr später. In diesem Jahr kehrten Hans Peter und Catharina zurück nach Australien, in Begleitung eines weiteren Bruder von Hans Peter, Jes Friedrich Kunst, *1852 in Haveholz, 1879 verheiratet mit Anna geb. Petersen und 4 Söhnen, an Bord der SS Quetta. Als sie nun alle in Mary Flussdelta ankommen und mit einem Boot übersetzen auf das andere Ufer, an dem sie von Hans Jacob und Familie mit einem Festmahl empfangen werden sollen, hat ein großes Schwein die Küche und das welcome Festmahl zerstört ! Im Jahre 1900, am Neujahrstag ziehen Hans Peter und Catharina Kunst, in ein neues Haus mit Namen Sunnyside ein, heutiger Eigner, Lex Kunst. Mittlerweile war auch Klaus Heinz Kunst, verheiratet mit Isabella Mc. Watters, und bewirtschaftete auf seiner Farm Mais und Kartoffeln. Später haben die Gebrüder Kunst auf ihrer Farm Vieh gehalten und graßen lassen. Nacherzählt von Arne Max T. etwa 2005. Lebensgeschichten der vier Brüder, Hans Jacob, Jes Friedrich, Hans Peter und Klaus Heinz So far this History has dealt with the early settlers round the townshipp of Miva, but at the same time there were other pioneers further down the river and the Munna Creek. Both these streams have their sources many miles away, the Mary rising in the Mountains near Maleny and the Munna Creek near Biggenden. Countless floods had deposed rich silt on the scrub lands of the river and creek tiats and family could make a living on a fife acres of this land, without much capitel outlay. In many cases a settler simple moved on to a chosen spot and began felling the scrub and he then had priority when the land was alienated from leasehold to freehold. The section of the Miva district round the junction of the Munna Creek and Mary River is known as Munna Creek and is often shortened to " Munna ". It has its own school, publik hall and telephone exchange but relies on Miva for supplies ans postal and railage facilities. Among the earliest pioneers of his area were the Kunst brothers who hailed from Schleswig Holstein, where thea lived within walking distance of the sea -port of Flensburg The first of the Brothers to emigrate was Mr. Jacob Kunst wo came out in the sailing ship " Shakespeare " and arrived in Maryborough in 1871, He secured a small farm near Tiaro and married Miss Jane Allan, wo had came 0ut from England alone as a young teenager. In 1875 his brother Hans and Heny forloved him, arriving in the sailing ship " Isles of the South ", after a voyrage lasting over for mounths. For some years these two brother also worked round Tiaro, mainly engaged in contract fencing. In 1881 the tree brothers determined to go further afield in search of suitabel agricuitural land. Jacob selected e piece of land on the river not far from Miva Crossing and engaged in mixed farmimg. He also ran a store and a butcher's shop. Later he turned to dairying, making butter and cheese on the farm and selling these products to storekeepers and Hotelkeepers in Gympie and Maryborough. The price obtained for butter was about 1 / - a pound. He was also on the first to experiment succesfully with the storage of maize in tanks. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kunst reared a family of four sons and four dauthers. At präsent the property is owned by two of the sons, Messrs. George and Alec Kunst, who are engaged in cattle grazing. Hans and Henry Kunst selected Land on the Munna Creeck and worked the property in a partnership which lasted for forty years when, as their respective families were grown up, it was dissolved by mutual consent. In 1885 Mr. Hans Kunst returned ti his native land to see his ageing parents and while there married. His tales of the opportunities to be had in Australia made yet another brother, Fritz decide to come to the new land. Thus whwn Hans returned to Australia there came with him, not only his brite, but his brother with his wife and four young sons. They travelled on the ill-fated " Quetta " and were fortunate that the year was 1886 and not 1888 as in that year the " Quetta " was lost off the North Quensland Coast. The new immigrants may not have been favourably impressed with their adopted country at first. They repaired first off all to Mr. Jacob Kuns‘t home, crossing the river by boat . While all the household were down at the river weicoming tue new arrivals, a large pig entered tue kitchen and created great havoc amongst the welcome feast. Mr. and Mrs. Kunst had a family of two dauthers and five sons. Three sons and one dauthers live in this districs and a grandson live on the original Selektion. In the meantime in 1885, Henry Kunst married Isabella Mc. Watters, dauther of a neighbouring Farmer and Maryborough born. This couple had five sonst, three of whom are well-known local residents of the präsents day. One son and grandson live on the land first selected. Like other early settlers Hans and Henry Kunst grew maize and potoes and many times lost their cross by floss. The newest arrival, Fritz Kunst, followed the same occopation as his brothers, leasing and renting farms, until he obtained a farm of his own further up the Munna Creek. He and his wife had a family of nine sons and one dauther. Until recently one sons still worked the family property but it has now passed into other hands. One son still recides in the district and the only dauther, Mr. Andrew Hoffmann live at Theebine. The four brothers and their wives were well-known and respected identities in tue districs for many years and were all leid to rest in the same local cemertery. Their combined ages totalled 658 years - an average age of 82 years. Between them they produced twenty-fife sons and seven dauthers and today there are few families in the district who cannot trace some connection by blood or marriage with these early pioneers. An early neighbour of the Kunst brothers on the Creek was Mr. Andrew Mc Watters with his wife and baby dauther were among the 327 immigrants who arrived at Maryborough on Juli 22.n 1863. They came in the paddle - steamer „ Queensland „ , to which vessel they had been transhipped from the sailing ship „ Montmorency „ in Moreton Bay, after a long and somewhat tempestuous voyage from Gret Britain.


1 Familienchronik
2 Familienarchiv
3 Taufe 1853/52 Esgrus
4 Familienarchiv
5 Familienarchiv
6 Familienarchiv


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