Anna Katharina MATTHES
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Anna Katharina MATTHES |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | 6. April 1757 | Nieder Modau, Dieburg, Starkenburg, Hessen, Deutschland
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baptism | 29. July 1756 | Evang. Nieder Modau, Dieburg, Starkenburg, Hessen, Deutschland
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residence | 1756 | ||
birth | 28. July 1756 | Nieder Modau, Dieburg, Starkenburg, Hessen, Deutschland
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1 | FamilySearch Stammbaum,
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Name | Details | files | Title | ??submitter_en_US?? | Upload date |
Anna Katharina MATTHES | * 1756 Nieder Modau, Dieburg, Starkenburg, Hessen, Deutschland + 1757 Nieder Modau, Dieburg, Starkenburg, Hessen, Deutschland | 59056 | Heike Volk | 2020-09-01 |
Title | Bogenschuetz Vorfahren |
Description | |
Id | 44294 |
Upload date | 2020-06-28 17:33:19.0 |
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