Elizabeth Abigail MYERS


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Elizabeth Abigail MYERS


Type Date Place Sources
death 22. March 1922
Norwich, Huron, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place
birth 12. March 1839
New Washington, Crawford County, Ohio, USA Find persons in this place


1 Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Tree
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.


Title Lay(h), Haag und drumrum

Quellen: Kirchenbucheinträge der jeweiligen genannten Ortschaften; Inventuren und Teilungen (Zubringensinventur, Eventual- und Abteilung); Gebäudekataster Bodelshausen, Ortsfamilienbücher Mössingen, Bodelshausen, Talheim, Bötzingen, Göbrichen; Chronik der Familie Layh in Biberach, Göbrichen, Bodelshausen, Ulm und Crailsheim.

Id 46880
Upload date 2022-07-10 11:52:26.0
Submitter user's avatar Irene Haag visit the user's profile page
email irene.haag@t-online.de


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