Margaretha SCHMIDT


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Margaretha SCHMIDT


Type Date Place Sources
death 18. March 1897
<a href=" (Steinburg)">Krempe</a> Find persons in this place
baptism 17. December 1840
birth 15. December 1840
<a href="üderau">Süderau</a> Find persons in this place
marriage 18. March 1870
<a href="">St. Peter (Krempe)</a> Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
18. March 1870
<a href="">St. Peter (Krempe)</a>
Martin Andreas BLUNCK

Notes for this person

23.11.1877 - 10.01.1878 <a href="">LASH Abt. 47.20 Nr. 3448</a> Patientenakte: Journal - Nr. 9083 Blunck, Margaretha 36 Jahre aus Krempe Ehefrau <a href="">Cystoma ovarii</a><p>Geschwister:<br>Valentin *1839<br>Margaretha *1840<br>Thies *1842 Kaufmann in Hamburg<br>Claus *1844 Kaufmann in Hamburg<br>Catharina *1846<br>Elise *1848


1 </b>Ahnentafel Otto H. Blunck<br><a href="">Buch von Johannes Gravert</a> : Die Bauernhöfe der Kremper- und Kollmar-Marsch<br><a href="">FAMILYSEARCH</a>

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Title Blunck Troitzsch

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Id 64898
Upload date 2025-01-08 22:32:35.0
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