Joanna Maria Gertrudis DOLBERG


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Joanna Maria Gertrudis DOLBERG


Type Date Place Sources
baptism 26. June 1764
Ramsdorf, Westfalen, Germany Find persons in this place
baptism 24. June 1769
Ramsdorf, Wsttfln, Prss, Germany Find persons in this place
baptism 26. June 1764
Ramsdorf, Kreis Borken, Provinz Westfalen, Preußen, Deutschland Find persons in this place
birth 26. June 1764
Ramsdorf, Kreis Borken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Find persons in this place

Notes for this person

Married name : Willigen


1 <br> - FamilySearch Stammbaum - 16 JUL 2019 - Durch einen Record Match hinzugefügt - Discovery - 40001:1054564097:<br> - FamilySearch Stammbaum - Joanna Maria Gertrudis Dolberg&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Geschlecht: weiblich&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Kleinkindtaufe: 26. Jun

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Title März 2024
Id 66016
Upload date 2024-03-10 15:27:56.0
Submitter user's avatar Wilfried Schmäing visit the user's profile page


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